School governance

Chair of Governors updates

The Governance Services team continues to offer advice to Chairs of Governors across schools in Hackney. Please contact if you have any queries.

The team is producing regular updates to keep governors informed. You can read recent editions below. The team is also working to provide clerks to support virtual governor meetings.

Virtual Forum for Hackney Governors

The Virtual Forum for Hackney Governors is a frequent online session open to all Hackney Governors, School Leaders and Young Governors which provides updates on national governance headlines, priorities and actions in Hackney.  

Subscribe to our governance newsletter to join the forums live and receive information and updates from Hackney Governance Services.

Governance Training

Governing the strategic recovery and future development of our schools through the era of a pandemic requires a high level of understanding so that complex decisions and logistical choices can be made. As such, our governance training programme draws on the insights and ideas that have emerged, and focuses on key issues, including: ensuring safety and wellbeing; providing high quality education; tackling inequality matters.

    Ensuring governance continuity

    Our guidance on ensuring governance continuity aims to help boards understand the role they play in supporting schools and maintaining governance functions during this critical time. 

    Agendas and key questions for board meeting

    • To support governing boards continue to fulfil their statutory duties by considering strategic recovery plans and approving key decisions, we have incorporated these key matters and questions into this Hackney Education agenda which you can download and edit for your use:
    • Our guidance on video conferencing and virtual meetings includes tips and a link to the ICSA guidance on how to run virtual meetings 

    Local authority governor nomination and appointment process

    One local authority governor position is legally part of maintained schools governing boards constitution. We welcome proposals for suitable candidates from our schools.

    Independent Review Panel applications (exclusions)

    In the case of permanent exclusions, the local authority or the academy trust must arrange for an independent review panel hearing. This hearing will review the decision of a governing board not to reinstate a permanently excluded pupil.

    Governance handbook

    Never has there been a greater need for strong and effective governance across a richly mixed economy of schools – either stand alone or in varying forms of partnership, including Teaching Schools Alliances, Federations and Multi Academy Trusts. Governance is becoming more complex, requiring greater accountability of educational standards and management of key risks.

    The following publications by the Department of Education provide guidance for governors of Academy trusts and maintained schools.


    Governance Services

    020 8820 7369