Promoting good practice in Religious Education

Hackney SACRE (Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education) promotes, supports and encourages good practice in the teaching of Religious Education (RE) in Hackney Schools.

We seek to ensure that all pupils in our schools are educated to develop spiritually, academically, emotionally and morally to enable them to better understand themselves and others and to cope with the opportunities, challenges and responsibilities of living in a rapidly changing, multicultural world. 

This support includes creating an Agreed Syllabus, which details what and how RE should be taught in our schools in Hackney. This has recently been revised.

We also promote schemes of work for all primary year groups, which include assessment, differentiation, resources, and are created to support teachers in monitoring pupil progress whilst inclusively teaching the subject. These are available at no charge to those schools who attend the free termly training days we provide.

The Hackney Education appointed RE Advisor for SACRE is Claire Ramalli.

Hackney SACRE meetings are held termly. If you wish to attend or be sent an agenda of an upcoming meeting, please email


Claire Ramalli, SACRE Advisor