Products: Not on website

Inclusion and Specialist Support

Product Product code Price (excl. VAT)
Inclusion bespoke services and training 20/INC/016 £POA
Specialist teaching bespoke support - day rate 1-6 days 20/INC/019 £POA
Specialist teaching bespoke support - day rate 15+ days 20/INC/021 £POA
Specialist teaching bespoke support - day rate 7-14 days 20/INC/020 £POA

Not on website

Product Product code Price (excl. VAT)
Bespoke HR support (per hour) 05/HR/012 £75.00
DBS Card Payments 05/HR/997 £POA
Governance Training Package 04/GOV/011 £POA
Inclusion Card Payments 20/INC/997 £POA
Remote technical support package (primary 2 to 3 form entry) 01/ICT/039 £POA
SIMS Lesson Monitor licence for secondary schools 01/ICT/028 £POA
SIMS Staff Performance 01/ICT/054 £POA